Questionnaire What is your attitude towards love in college?

Questionnaire What is your attitude towards love in college?


What is your attitude towards love in college?

Your gender: A. Male  B. Female Do you agree with having a relationship in college?

   A. Yes        B. No     C. Neutral

3.  Do you want to get into a relationship in college?

   A. Yes, I would love to.  B. Yes, but not necessarily. 

C. Not really.          D. Not at all.

4.  How many times have you been in love in college?

   A. None (Skip to Question 8)

B. Once   C. Twice   D. More than three times

5. How much money do you spend on your girlfriend/boyfriend each month?

   A. 75%-100%   B.50%-75%   C. 25%-50%   D. 0%-25%

6.  How much time do you spend on your relationship each week?

   A. 75%-100%   B.50%-75%   C. 25%-50%   D. 0%-25%

7.  The longest relationship you have ever had in college is

   A. less than 3 months  B. 3 months—6 months 

C.6 months—1 year    D.1 year—3 years    E. More than 3 years

8. Do you think love may have negative influence on study in college?

A. always/100% agree  n/80%agree  C. sometimes/50%agree

D. hardly/20%agree    E. never/0%agree


9. What do you think are the important factors in maintaining your relationship? (Multiple choice)

   A. Listening  B. Obligation   C. Tolerance   D. Loyalty    

E. Trust       F. Understanding   G. Others

10. What factors do you concern about choosing your girlfriend/boyfriend? (Multiple choice)

A. appearance and figure B. family background C. interests and hobbies         D. characteristics  E. academic achievement   F. regions   G. others

11. Do you support gay/lesbian?

   A. Yes        B. No     C. Never mind

12. Do you support the premarital sex in college?

   A. Yes        B. No     C. Never mind

13. Do you care about others’ opinions of your relationship?

   A. Yes        B. No     C. Never mind

14. Do you think the Graduation Day equals the Broke-up Day?

   A. Yes        B. No     C. I have no idea

15. What do you think is the purpose of getting in love in college?

A. To pursuit the similar ideal. 

B. To seek for learning motivation.

C. To learn how to love and to be loved.

D. To overcome the loneliness and homesick.

E. To satisfy the physical needs.

F. Others ____________________________________________